Saturday, September 1, 2007

We have a spoiled little girl!

Honestly, I never thought in a million years that my daughter would be spoiled at the ripe ol' age of almost 6 months. I don't know who does more spoiling Daddy or Grandma! (They leave me the important job like buying the diapers, wipes, formula, and of course some of Maddie's new clothes.
Yesterday Carmen bought her the cutest Jumperoo. She was in it this morning and wasn't too sure of it, but by this afternoon she had pretty much mastered the jumping aspect. She was having so much fun jumping and entertaining the adults around her that she fell asleep in it! (My sister has the picture. I will have to post it at another time.) So, that was gift number one of this weekend.
Today, my mom was out shopping with her friend Sharon at BJs and they found the cutest Halloween costume for Maddie. I have been saying repeatedly that I would love for her to be a little peapod because the costumes are so adorable, and she is my little 'shweet pea' and my mom found a great deal on one. She picked it up for us and we had Maddie model it for us. (My sister has this picture too, so you will have to see it another time). So, that was gift number two this weekend. Spoiled. Loved very much....spoiled!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

You can NEVER spoil Maddie too much! Ok, tag your it, now you have to leave a message on my blog!
Hee hee,