Monday, July 23, 2007

Beginning Today

Well, today is the first day that I am actually beginning to blog. I decided to start this page so I can communicate with friends and family throughout the US and also my long lost friends in East Jahunga...they are millionaires and are going to be sharing the wealth in no time soon so I can be a stay at home mom...

Which brings me to my thought of the day. You know, I do like my job and the team of people that I work with, but there is just something about being a stay-at-home mom that I really think I am missing. Maddie goes to my mom's home, which is the next best place from ours, but I feel as if I am going to miss so much...for instance, the first time she rolled over. She was at my sister's house, lying on the floor watching her cousins while both Carmen and I were at work.

Go ahead and ask me, just go ahead...did I do anything worthwhile at work? Possibly....but I don't even know right now, all I know is I was heart-broken, crying on the way down the stairs at work out to my car where I picked up the phone and cried in Sue's ear....she is pregnant and I knew she would give me the sympathy I was looking for.

Ask me again 5 years from now how I feel about missing the first BIG roll and it may not matter...but for now it does and it just plain sucks. So for those of you reading this and thinking it isn't a big deal, let me think that it is for a few more months and then I will get over it I swear to you I will...

In any event, Madison is getting to be such a big girl at the age of four-and-a-half months. She is now rolling over like it is her job. So much in fact, that her head got stuck underneath her sound machine and we had to take it off her crib. She didn't cry when this happened, rather she sounded like a gremlin...she was actually almost growling. When I got into her room her little legs were kicking and she was not a happy camper. When I unlocked her head from the monitor she rolled over and gave me the biggest smile in the world, as if to say, "Thanks Mom, but don't let that happen again.."

Her smile is contagious, it really is. Take a're smiling aren't you?

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